Classic - 750ml
Classic - 750ml
Whiskey Del Bac Classic is a true American single malt whiskey, borrowing from the Scottish model of whiskey-making but matured in new American white oak. Classic is made from 100% barley malt that is mashed, fermented, copper pot-distilled, aged, and bottled on-site.
Classic opens with bright stone fruits on the nose and is balanced with a sweet caramel and oak finish. It was named one of the best whiskies in the world by Wine Enthusiast's Top 100 Spirits list in 2021.
Aged 92 Proof - 46% ABV - American Single Malt
Handcrafted in Tucson, AZ - Never Chill Filtered
Delivery & Storage Note: Our whiskey is not recommended for exposure to extreme heat (>90° F) for any extended period of time.
You must be 21 to buy and consume alcohol. Please enjoy our spirits responsibly.